The Current Adventure:
In 1935, Samantha Darling begins a career as an aviatrix, explorer, and zombie-bashing feminist.

The First Episode:
"That Zombie Drank My Martini, or, A Happy Divorce!"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Slime and Space-Time

Episode 6 - Bye-Bye Space Time, or, For Whom the Brain Slimes - is now available!

Don't miss your chance to see what cosmic weirdness is at work!

"Well, yes, there were brain monsters – but it took me a while to realize that, because the predominant inhabitants of the room were tentacle-waving, squid-like snog-goblins.  [Note to self: be sure to explain to readers that “snog-goblin” is an epithet of my own invention, designating any alien creature with a wet, slimy appearance.]"
- Pulp This! Episode 6